IVG Programme Sequence (overview)
We are pleased to present you a first version of the rough program schedule for the IVG Congress 2025! ATTENTION: This is a preliminary version for your orientation. Minor changes and postponements are possible, here you will always find the final version.
A detailed program with room/time details for the sections and presentations will be available in a first version in autumn 2024.
Adopted Sections
To access the content descriptions, please click on the download symbol. If you are interested in a section and would like to speak in it, please get in touch with the contact person directly. The organization of the individual sections is the sole responsibility of the section leaders.
ATTENTION: Calls for most sections have been closed for some time. Please contact the respective section leaders in advance to find out whether abstracts for presentations are still being accepted!
The IVG committee has accepted the following sections in the course of the committee meeting on July 18, 2022 in Graz (the order is alphabetical according to the contact persons):
Contact: andrea.bogner@uni-goettingen.de
Contact: evelyn.breiteneder@oeaw.ac.at
Contact: kristin.buehrig@uni-hamburg.de
Contact: ncoleman@wayne.edu
Contact: cosanleyla@hotmail.com
Contact: katrin.dautel@um.edu.mt
Contact: dobrovolskij@gmail.com
Contact: muezeyyenege@yahoo.com
Contact: wilken.engelbrecht@upol.cz
Contact: peter.ernst@univie.ac.at
Contact: ewertmuen@web.de
Contact: carolina.flinz@unimi.it
Contact: florian.gassner@ubc.ca
Contact: matthias.vongehlen@goethe.de
Contact: katharina.gerstenberger@utah.edu
Contact: klge@sdu.dk
Contact: johannes.goerbert@unifr.ch
Contact: sambor.grucza@uw.edu.pl
Contact: hess-luettich@t-online.de
Contact: sabine.hoffmann@unipa.it
Contact: anke.jaspers@uni-graz.at
Contact: sklocke@wisc.edu
Contact: sigrid.koehler@uni-tuebingen.de
Contact: agata.kowalska-szubert@uwr.edu.pl
Contact: bkuehn@uni-bremen.de
Contact: astrid.lembke@uni-mannheim.de
Contact: liedtke@uni-leipzig.de
Contact: johann.lughofer@ff.uni-lj.si
Contact: bvdluehe@gmx.de
Contact: maeding@uni-bremen.de
Contact: waltraud-maierhofer@uiowa.edu
Contact: patrizio.malloggi@unipi.it
Contact: isabella.manago@uni-graz.at
Contact: federica.masiero@unipd.it
Contact: helga.mitterbauer@uni-graz.at
Contact: fabio.mollica@unimi.it
Contact: neuhaus@uni-koblenz.de
Contact: t.niehr@isk.rwth-aachen.de
Contact: birgit.nuebel@germanistik.uni-hannover.de
Contact: edgar.onea-gaspar@uni-graz.at
Contact: pailer@mail.ubc.ca
Contact: moira.paleari@unimi.it
Contact: josephine.papst@indexicals.ac.at
Contact: thomas.pekar@gmx.de
Contact: p.piszczatowski@uw.edu.pl
Contact: sandra.reimann@oulu.fi
Contact: anne.reulecke@uni-graz.at
Contact: gertrud.roesch@idf.uni-heidelberg.de
Contact: dirk.rose@uibk.ac.at
Contact: antje.rueger@uni-leipzig.de
Contact: ruthnerc@tcd.ie
Contact: qshen@brynmawr.edu
Contact: spedicat@unipv.it
Contact: isabelle.stauffer@ku.de
Contact: guenther.stocker@univie.ac.at
Contact: naomi.truan@uni-leipzig.de
Contact: helene.vinckel-roisin@sorbonne-universite.fr
Contact: iwarnke@uni-bremen.de
Contact: johannes.wassmer@gmx.de
Contact: georg.weidacher@uni-graz.at
Contact: dirk_weissmann@me.com
Contact: claudia.wich-reif@uni-bonn.de
Contact: monika.wolting@uwr.edu.pl
Contact: wolting@amu.edu.pl
Contact: julia.zimmermann@uni-graz.at